Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Inside My Pregnancy Mind

I've been pregnant for awhile already (as of 27 weeks or 191 days to be exact). I've written my thoughts/feelings and stuff down as days gone by. I've learned a lot about myself and some other since I got pregnant. Here are some that I'd like to share.

Inside My Pregnancy Mind : The First Trimester

October 15th, 2012
I'm pregnant? Hmm what? Took two pregnancy tests one said positive the other said negative-ish? What exactly is that supposed to mean?! 

October 16th, 2012
I'm pregnant! It's pretty positive now. I took another test and it's way positive. I'm happy, scared, confused, terrified, in love, excited, scared!!

No, that's not the third one. . . more like the fifth.

October 18th, 2012
I'm pregnant with a Mormon child. I can't stand the smell of c o f f e e. It's extra nastier than usual and I puked at work.

October 19th, 2012
We told J's parents. Not gonna lie J's dad scared me to death!! I cried for half hour after talking to them. They weren't bad or anything but the fact is they made some point. 'How are we going to do this? What is the next plan?' I felt like we are just not ready to do this whole pregnancy-parenthood thing. I am scared but hey! If other people can do it then WE can do it. I'm not doing this alone. I have Jonathan with me and he will always be there. We are going to get through this TOGETHER!

October 20th, 2012
I'm b l e e d i n g . . .and it hasn't stopped yet. I'm scared. . .very scared.

October 21st, 2012
We told my MOM today!! Holy cow! She just went FROZEN! My mom had no idea what was going on and she just couldn't move for literally a few minute. It came out of nowhere for her. It ended well though. =)

October 22nd, 2012
We are going to the hospital tomorrow. I'm still bleeding and not feeling well. =(

October 23rd, 2012
I have a teeny tiny human being in my tummy!! He is so little - 0.85 mm, even smaller than a peanut!! Official due date is June 20, 2013. We already love him! . . .or her.

October 30th, 2012
Is it necessary to feel so sick/tired and puke everyday? I do NOT like morning sickness at all. =(

November 2nd, 2012 - Part 1
Didn't make it through my shift and we are now going to the hospital. I keep bleeding and it's scary. =(

November 2nd, 2012 - Part 2
My doctor said the placenta is not being attached fully to the uterus. This is my first pregnancy and I'm really scared of a miscarriage. She said not to worry but I feel like doctors have to say that. Also I'm being put on bed rest since my job requires too much movements and long hours of standing that will do me and the baby no good. 2 weeks until next appointment.

November 6th, 2012
Dear Peanut,

You are my little baby and I already love you. I love you with all my heart and please don't break it. I really am looking forward to be your mother so please hang in there. We can do this together!

Your Mommy

Halloween costume?! 

November 10th, 2012
A day without morning sickness is a happy day. . .unfortunately today is not that day. =(

November 12th, 2012
J is staying home with me. I'm so thankful for him. He has been a really good helper since I can't really help myself out with some stuff. He often comes home to a bucket full of puke, whether he minds it or not he never blamed. Thank you so much sweetheart!

November 16th, 2012
There is absolutely nothing more comforting than hearing your baby's heartbeat and seeing him wiggling for the first time. Peanut is now 8 weeks and looks just like a gummy bear! The gap between placenta and uterus is almost all gone. We are very happy to report. =)

Awww look at my cute little gummy bear!!

Side Note - Jonathan actually teared up at the doctor's office when we first saw Peanut. We really are going to be parents!

November 20th, 2012
Will I ever wake up and not feel sick? =( I am fully expecting to wake up on my 12 weeks mark and feel perfectly well. That's what all the books tell me. . .

November 22nd, 2012
I wish I could enjoy Thanksgiving meal more. We had a good time spending Thanksgiving at The Keys'. We also announced our pregnancy today to the world (and by the world I mean Facebook of course!).

And I was really puking. . .

November 23rd, 2012
It's official (kind of) that I will not be going back to work. Peanut is fine but I am not! I can't even remember when was the last time I had real food not just saltine crackers, potatoes and Sprite.

November 27th,2012
Dear Baby,

You are now the size of a P R U N E (according to the website anyway). I don't really like prunes, but I sure do L O V E you!

Your Mommy

Pretty sure my baby looks better than prune.

November 28th, 2012 
Will you go to hell if you do NOT enjoy your pregnancy at all? Will God forgive you for not being grateful for this blessing? I hope He has mercy for this case otherwise I'm sent straight to H E L L!!

December 2nd, 2012 
Serving in Nursery when you are pregnant and have bad morning sickness is harder than having people make fun of you in PE class because you just suck at everything. . .my life is so tough!

December 4th, 2012
I officially quit my job. I know I will miss it but I'm not going to regret this decision I made. 

December 6th, 2012
I think Jonathan is so cute today. . .hmm maybe that's a pregnancy brain talk.

December 9th, 2012
It's my birthday!! My last birthday before I become a  m o t h e r!! I'm still not feeling well and we are actually going to the hospital after church. I've been bleeding since yesterday. I hope everything is fine.

Birthday Bump!

December 11th, 2012
I've come to the end of my first trimester. I'm still not showing nor feeling better. The battle of morning sickness still continues. But I've learned quite a lot since I got pregnant, I've learned that -

It's ok to be/feel  vulnerable sometimes and even ask for help.
I need to be more patient with MYSELF.
Marrying the right person makes your marriage and pregnancy easier. 
Praying for courage to get through the day is necessary and there's nothing wrong with that.
It's normal if your sweet tooth is gone. You are not to blame. It's a pregnancy thing.
I love my sleep even more than I ever did. 
I feel uncomfortable when people touch my belly.

First Trimester Summary
Weight : 118.6 lbs
Total weight gain/lost : -11.4 lbs
Bump : from 28" - 24.5" and still not showing

** please don't ask why it looks all BOLD. I have no idea! **