Monday, June 10, 2013

Melinda's Birth Story

May 30, 2013

I planned to go visit my dear friend, Dannii, in the afternoon before my 37 weeks check up appointment at 4:00pm. I got a call from my doctor telling me my appointment needed to be pushed to 5:30pm because she had to deliver a baby so I decided to wait for Jonathan to come home from school and go to Dannii's with me so I wouldn't have to go alone. Jonathan got home and we left for Dannii's. We spent some time at Dannii's and joked about how funny it would be if my doctor told me I would have to have my baby today.

We left for the hospital and had to wait for another hour cause my doctor still was in the OR. We got in her office and she saw my stomach and asked if I was having contractions because it seemed pretty hard. I told her 'Yes! Just Braxton Hicks. I've been having them lately.' She decided to perform pelvic examination first before doing ultrasound. Right when she put her finger in she sighed and then said 'What is with you people?! Why is everyone giving birth today?! You are 3 cm. dilated. You are having your baby tonight . . . or tomorrow.' Hmm. . .what?! It took us awhile to register the news.

I was admitted and sent to delivery room. The contractions were still mild after 4 and a half hours my doctor checked me again and I was just 4 cm. dilated so she sent me to my room in the ward. 

Delivery room first attempt! 

I couldn't get any sleep. I wondered how long it's gonna take until I get to see my baby. The contractions were getting milder and milder and even stopped at one point. It was very discouraging. I didn't wanna be sent home without the baby in the morning. I looked up online on how to speed up labor and stuff. Jonathan even gave me some foot massage that's supposed to help with labor. I prayed and prayed. I never prayed so much in my life like that before. I really wanted to see my sweet Melinda.

May 31, 2013

6 o'clock in the morning the nurse came in to check on me and my contractions were still mild. I thought for sure I would be sent home. It was just too much to handle at the moment. I started to pray again and again. 7 o'clock I took a shower and then had my breakfast. Jonathan and I said our prayer together asking for comfort and courage. Right after the prayer was done I started to feel my contractions again and they weren't so mild! I was sent back to the delivery room.

My doctor came in and checked me out again. By 8:30 am I was still at 4 cm. dilated but my contractions started to get pretty strong. 8:45am my water B R O K E and oh my! I could finally breathe while lying on my back!! 

My contractions started to get stronger and stronger. The nurse said Meli should be here in the afternoon. Jonathan was right there by my side the whole time. At noon my doctor checked on me again and I was only 5 cm. dilated. It was really frustrating! I was really upset cause I knew it mean I could have to been in labor for another 5 hours or so. 

The nurse came in to make sure I still wanna do this without epidural like I told her earlier. I stayed strong and confirmed my will to do this natural. Truth be told, they kept saying that she could also be here anytime and epidural would cost over $320 for 2 hours. It was hard to set my head straight due to the pain and everything but above all I knew I just want my baby to be here already.

The pain was getting worse, really bad that I might have yell at the sweet and amazing Jonathan for couple times. I started to moan . . . and moan a lot. I remembered asking Jonathan and every nurse that came in when I can start pushing even though it didn't really feel like pushing yet but I was just in so much pain. 

1 pm. my doctor came in and checked me again and she exclaimed with excitement that I was all the way opened and should start pushing now when I feel the contractions. The dynamic of the room changed all of sudden. Everyone was running around preparing stuff. Jonathan started to tell me to push and I started to feel she was coming. 

I pushed and pushed for almost half hour. It really hurt but I could feel that I was so close to see my baby. I kept repeating in my mind while pushing 'Come on Melinda! We can do this!!' over and over. Then Jonathan exclaimed 'Mink! Keep pushing!! I can see her head!! She has HAIR!!!' I pushed one more and I felt her head coming out of me. Jonathan kept cheering me on. It was already tiring but I knew I couldn't stop. I pushed more and I felt her shoulders. That really hurt!! I remembered yelling 'oh gosh it hurts!!' with that push then I pushed more and I could feel the rest of her body coming out. It felt like pushing a sack of oranges. Then I heard Jonathan said 'Mink, she is here. Melinda is here.' (yes, he cried!)

They put her on my stomach while cleaning her. I remembered the first time seeing my daughter. She was white and has the brightest small lips and she looked right at me. 

When I first saw my Melinda.

They took her out for cleaning up more and measuring and stuff. Nothing really hurt after that even I was torn and had to have some stitches. I was waiting for them to bring in my baby.

Jonathan walked in with Melinda in his arm. I got to hold my baby girl for the first time. It felt like I already knew her although I still couldn't wrap my head around that she really is mine. My beautiful 6 pounds 8 ounces baby girl.  

We took couple pictures together and Jonathan left with the pediatrician and nurse to take Melinda to the nursery. I was laying down in the delivery room still while my doctor giving me stitches and complimenting me at how good I was at doing this all natural and even for the first time. She and the nurses also couldn't stop telling me how beautiful my daughter was and how she looked just like her daddy. My doctor also said that if I carried full term 40 weeks she wouldn't let me give birth natural. Apparently Meli was pretty big considering being born at 37 weeks. 

First time holding my baby girl.

First 'FAMILY' photo! =)

Melinda - less than an hour old in nursery.

Isn't she lovely? Ah, my heart is melt!!

Half an hour gone by and Jonathan came back to delivery room. I had to stay there for another 2 hours. It was really difficult cause I really wanted to go to my room and I want to spend more time with my baby. The nurses told me to try to get some rest; I wondered if they understood that I just had a baby!! 

4 pm they finally moved me up to my room in the other bed. My parents were already there in the room (surprise!). Couple minute later the nurse from nursery brought in my sweet little girl. I got a chance to hold her again. She was even more beautiful than I first held her . . . and looked even more like Jonathan. 

Second time holding my Melinda. 

Proud Daddy!! 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Inside My Pregnancy Mind

I've been pregnant for awhile already (as of 27 weeks or 191 days to be exact). I've written my thoughts/feelings and stuff down as days gone by. I've learned a lot about myself and some other since I got pregnant. Here are some that I'd like to share.

Inside My Pregnancy Mind : The First Trimester

October 15th, 2012
I'm pregnant? Hmm what? Took two pregnancy tests one said positive the other said negative-ish? What exactly is that supposed to mean?! 

October 16th, 2012
I'm pregnant! It's pretty positive now. I took another test and it's way positive. I'm happy, scared, confused, terrified, in love, excited, scared!!

No, that's not the third one. . . more like the fifth.

October 18th, 2012
I'm pregnant with a Mormon child. I can't stand the smell of c o f f e e. It's extra nastier than usual and I puked at work.

October 19th, 2012
We told J's parents. Not gonna lie J's dad scared me to death!! I cried for half hour after talking to them. They weren't bad or anything but the fact is they made some point. 'How are we going to do this? What is the next plan?' I felt like we are just not ready to do this whole pregnancy-parenthood thing. I am scared but hey! If other people can do it then WE can do it. I'm not doing this alone. I have Jonathan with me and he will always be there. We are going to get through this TOGETHER!

October 20th, 2012
I'm b l e e d i n g . . .and it hasn't stopped yet. I'm scared. . .very scared.

October 21st, 2012
We told my MOM today!! Holy cow! She just went FROZEN! My mom had no idea what was going on and she just couldn't move for literally a few minute. It came out of nowhere for her. It ended well though. =)

October 22nd, 2012
We are going to the hospital tomorrow. I'm still bleeding and not feeling well. =(

October 23rd, 2012
I have a teeny tiny human being in my tummy!! He is so little - 0.85 mm, even smaller than a peanut!! Official due date is June 20, 2013. We already love him! . . .or her.

October 30th, 2012
Is it necessary to feel so sick/tired and puke everyday? I do NOT like morning sickness at all. =(

November 2nd, 2012 - Part 1
Didn't make it through my shift and we are now going to the hospital. I keep bleeding and it's scary. =(

November 2nd, 2012 - Part 2
My doctor said the placenta is not being attached fully to the uterus. This is my first pregnancy and I'm really scared of a miscarriage. She said not to worry but I feel like doctors have to say that. Also I'm being put on bed rest since my job requires too much movements and long hours of standing that will do me and the baby no good. 2 weeks until next appointment.

November 6th, 2012
Dear Peanut,

You are my little baby and I already love you. I love you with all my heart and please don't break it. I really am looking forward to be your mother so please hang in there. We can do this together!

Your Mommy

Halloween costume?! 

November 10th, 2012
A day without morning sickness is a happy day. . .unfortunately today is not that day. =(

November 12th, 2012
J is staying home with me. I'm so thankful for him. He has been a really good helper since I can't really help myself out with some stuff. He often comes home to a bucket full of puke, whether he minds it or not he never blamed. Thank you so much sweetheart!

November 16th, 2012
There is absolutely nothing more comforting than hearing your baby's heartbeat and seeing him wiggling for the first time. Peanut is now 8 weeks and looks just like a gummy bear! The gap between placenta and uterus is almost all gone. We are very happy to report. =)

Awww look at my cute little gummy bear!!

Side Note - Jonathan actually teared up at the doctor's office when we first saw Peanut. We really are going to be parents!

November 20th, 2012
Will I ever wake up and not feel sick? =( I am fully expecting to wake up on my 12 weeks mark and feel perfectly well. That's what all the books tell me. . .

November 22nd, 2012
I wish I could enjoy Thanksgiving meal more. We had a good time spending Thanksgiving at The Keys'. We also announced our pregnancy today to the world (and by the world I mean Facebook of course!).

And I was really puking. . .

November 23rd, 2012
It's official (kind of) that I will not be going back to work. Peanut is fine but I am not! I can't even remember when was the last time I had real food not just saltine crackers, potatoes and Sprite.

November 27th,2012
Dear Baby,

You are now the size of a P R U N E (according to the website anyway). I don't really like prunes, but I sure do L O V E you!

Your Mommy

Pretty sure my baby looks better than prune.

November 28th, 2012 
Will you go to hell if you do NOT enjoy your pregnancy at all? Will God forgive you for not being grateful for this blessing? I hope He has mercy for this case otherwise I'm sent straight to H E L L!!

December 2nd, 2012 
Serving in Nursery when you are pregnant and have bad morning sickness is harder than having people make fun of you in PE class because you just suck at everything. . .my life is so tough!

December 4th, 2012
I officially quit my job. I know I will miss it but I'm not going to regret this decision I made. 

December 6th, 2012
I think Jonathan is so cute today. . .hmm maybe that's a pregnancy brain talk.

December 9th, 2012
It's my birthday!! My last birthday before I become a  m o t h e r!! I'm still not feeling well and we are actually going to the hospital after church. I've been bleeding since yesterday. I hope everything is fine.

Birthday Bump!

December 11th, 2012
I've come to the end of my first trimester. I'm still not showing nor feeling better. The battle of morning sickness still continues. But I've learned quite a lot since I got pregnant, I've learned that -

It's ok to be/feel  vulnerable sometimes and even ask for help.
I need to be more patient with MYSELF.
Marrying the right person makes your marriage and pregnancy easier. 
Praying for courage to get through the day is necessary and there's nothing wrong with that.
It's normal if your sweet tooth is gone. You are not to blame. It's a pregnancy thing.
I love my sleep even more than I ever did. 
I feel uncomfortable when people touch my belly.

First Trimester Summary
Weight : 118.6 lbs
Total weight gain/lost : -11.4 lbs
Bump : from 28" - 24.5" and still not showing

** please don't ask why it looks all BOLD. I have no idea! **

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

2012 In Reviews

Can you believe 2012 has g o n e by already?!

Where has all the time gone? I am still the same ol' slacker but a W H O L E year just went by? What? 2012 was crazy! Let me just fill you in. . .

I stated working at a new place (I actually stated since December 2011) called ' C U P C A K E  L O V E'. I enjoyed it as much as I could. And Jonathan and I were dating (with nothing serious or any commitments), we had our first 'New Year Kiss' at midnight of January 1, 2012 at his parents' balcony.

We had our 'F I R S T' Valentine's. It lasted 24 days. Why 24? Because J never celebrated Valentine's Day before. We simply took turns to do things for each other. I just love US!!! <3

My Valentine's Day e-card for Jonathan.

One of those 24 things we did for each other.

So. . .we got ENGAGED!! It was unexpected! Trust me none of us planned to get married anytime soon. Things were going great but marriage came out of nowhere, but for the best I guess. Things are meant to be and I loved how they turned out. Oh! And I found out I had a tumor in one of my ovaries, the size of newborn's head. Pretty terrified for a 20-year-old girl who just got engaged! ;)

Our proposal in the bookstore.

Some of our engagement photos.

More of the engagement photos.
The most stressful and busiest month ever! The wedding planning started and it, of course, drove me (and possibly everyone) crazy! We had our Thai ceremony at my house and a so called (p)reception at my homeward. I took a break from my work. And we flew to the states to get married. . .like for real!! I received my endowment and went through the temple for the first time. It was an amazing experience. To be honest, I didn't learn much from the first time but what I remembered and loved the most from that experience was a reminder that reminded me that FAMILIES CAN BE (and will be) TOGETHER FOREVER. It was the most important thing I needed to know and I'm thankful for that.

Our families at the Thai ceremony

Throwing my bouquet like a pro at our (p)reception! 

Meh, it's us! What do you expect?!

Right in front of the Oakland Temple after I receive my endowment.
Melissa and Matt were there too!

J and I at Muir Woods.

Us at Golden Gate Bridge. 

Okay, for real we got MARRIED!!! May 8. 2012 at 10:20 AM in Salt Lake Temple, Utah. It was a perfect day! The happiest day in our lives indeed. =) Words cannot describe how we truly felt inside. To me it was the best decision I ever made in my life. Marrying Jonathan was the most rightful and wonderful thing that I could have done. And yes, it's a deal for eternity!! Then we went to the 'HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH' aka perfect place for honeymoon! Yes, that was also why I said yes in the first place when he proposed. ;)

On our way to Utah. . . apparently not everyone of us prepared for snow!

Brotherly Love. 

At my bridal shower. Jenna is so awesome!!

The other '60' Mackleys at Grandma's birthday party!
4 Days before the wedding.

Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Mackley!!!

In front of the temple after we were sealed for ETERNITY!!!

The Sisters!! 

And then we off to the honeymoon!!!

J's face is priceless!!! 

Us with Woody - the only character we got to take picture with!

Waiting for the parade.
PDA is acceptable on honeymoon.

We flew back home(Thailand) and started our 'married' life here. We moved into a one bedroom apartment that we don't really own a darn thing in! Everything either belongs to the owner (because it's a furnished apartment) or we took from J's parents'! Hah. . .newlyweds! And during the last week of May, I went through surgery. They took off a tumor and also one of my ovaries. Hello! A 20-year-old girl with one ovary! Yes, I like to make a big deal out of it.

After they took the tumor out. 

Jonathan went back to school after his summer break was over. I was being put on bed rest for the first time of the year (yes, there were more). I discovered that I hate being home and doing nothing other than being at work for 8 hours! So I started blogging.

I went back to work (finally)!! We celebrated our first 4th of July on the 3rd of July. I convinced Jonathan not to cut his hair and it was such a mistake! His hair was out of control and he got made fun of from his family every time we skyped with them. 

Our first 4 of July.
(I mentioned about the hair, didn't I?!)

I made those cupcakes at work and nope, I didn't get fired!

I got relocated to a brand new branch of Cupcake Love. It was closer to where we live but I then started to work my butt off. I worked 10 - 13 hours a day, 6 days a week! I had no life. But I kinda liked it. It was better than not having anything to do. Jonathan was busy with school. We had been married for 3 months by then.

September was just another month. I still had no life because of work and J was busy with school. He was getting ready for finals in October. But little did we know our new chapter of life was about to begin! ;)

I decided to take a break from work. J was done with his finals and finally got his hair cut. We treated ourselves some nice 'post' honeymoon trip. As poor as we were/are, we got a great deal of a 1 night stay at a hotel. It was nice to get out of the house. And we went to Hong Kong! It was fun except that I was pretty sick the whole time we were there. We did enjoy our stay though. We stayed at the temple guesthouse (it was reasonably cheap but NOT recommended for newlyweds! We were separated the whole time we stayed there.). We went through Hong Kong Temple together for the first time. I love the temples! It's the most peaceful place you can find on earth. I wish we lived closer to a temple. And we also went to Disneyland Hong Kong! I learned my lesson not to ever ride the Mad Tea Cups with the Mackley men! It was nasty! 

Our hotel room.

The bathtub! =)

My first meal in Hong Kong - Hot Pot like a boss!!

Us in front of the temple.

My Bubby with his tart. <3

Hong Kong street food - YES! I tried some.

Hmm, no, I was NOT impressed!

Beautiful Hong Kong's lights.


Hong Kong Disneyland!!!

A crazy dude trying to kill his wife on a Mad Tea Cup.

His wife after the killing attempt.

One more picture of his wife just right before throwing up.

We came home and I was feeling sick still. We later found out what was wrong with me. I'm PREGNANT!!

The (probably) 5th pregnancy test I took before we believed I really am pregnant!

The pregnancy seriously began! I was suffering with really bad morning sickness. Early pregnancy is way scarier than I could ever think of! I was bleeding at 6 weeks and then being put on bed rest. My doctor said I could have lost the baby if I continued working so here I go again being stuck at home. I started to lose weight due to morning sickness. I was not able to keep food down and making through a day was the hardest thing for me. As much as I hated it, I also started to realize the miracle that's growing inside of me. I have one ovary and we did not plan for this! I guess Heavenly Father just knows what He is doing. My life has never been like I plan. . .like seriously! Sometimes things fall apart but I always find reasons later on why it happened that way. I'm thankful for my Heavenly Father that He watches over me. I'm more than thrilled to be a mother and to start a family with Jonathan! And not to mention J has been an amazing husband! He is treating me like I'm a handicap. . .seriously I don't have to do a darn thing! He takes care of every single thing!

We made it official on Thanksgiving that we are expecting our little one

Our baby announcement - I REALLY was puking!

Peanut at 8 weeks - it looks just like I swallowed a gummy bear!

I turned 21 and continued having bad morning sickness. I lost total 11 lbs at this point. I had to quit my job because there is no way I can work while I can't even stand for 10 minutes (I fainted while waiting in line for 10 minutes! can you believe that?!). J turned 25 and ate lettuce on his birthday burger! He is all grown up now. ;) December was a busy month for everyone. I kept pushing off Christmas shopping and decorating to the last minute (not my fault! they said the world was gonna end before Christmas!). J's school was being such a pain for us. He had bazillion projects that he had to get done. Peanut was busy growing and making me feel sick. I made it through my first trimester very poorly. Even had some bleeding again at 11 weeks and of course being put on bed rest for the THIRD time of the year!

My three pounds ice cream birthday cake. 

The birthday boy with his birthday burger.

We had our first Christmas as a married couple and the only Christmas we will ever have just the two of us. I bought Peanut a present, it was a onesie that says "Here Comes Trouble" which I think will perfectly fit him/her. ;) Jonathan got me a unicorn! Not a real one, but its a pillow pet, its pink and purple and its so fat! I named her Ms. Chubbykins! Jonathan got a Marvel Comics mug and Star Wars Legos. It was pretty cool because it came with a Death Star tree ornament! Do you see how mature we are? And yes, we are having a baby. 

My Christmas Bump - 14 weeks

Our Christmas Tree.
The onesie I got for Peanut.

Jonathan and his Marvel Comics mug.

I'm not impressed with Jonathan's present wrapping skill!!

That's what it looks like when I opened my present.

Ms. Chubbykins!!!

Jonathan's Star Wars Legos.

So that was our 2012. It was a pretty big, crazy, eventful year. There sure were ups and downs, but the best parts are we always have each other. We're looking forward to 2013, it's shaping up to be pretty eventful, too, and we hope you all will enjoy seeing the
e w  Y a r
unfold with us.