Friday, November 7, 2014


        Have to say, it's a pretty cliched sounding title for a new blogger on here. Anyway, this is the Husband, Jonathan, finally posting on this blog. I originally planned to post shortly after Mink started this blog, then I decided it would be a birthday present, then I decided that I would do it for our anniversary, then I decided after Meli was born I would post, and again after finishing school, moving, Minks birthday again, Valentines Day, Anniversary, Meli's first birthday, etc. Now I'm sure you're beginning to notice a pattern. So I've decided to just start now. Forget meaningful dates and excuses for next time.

         Anyway, all the readers out there are going to see a bit of a difference in writing style and even just style of these posts themselves. Good chance that there won't be as many pictures or colorful, but that might change as I get better at this.

         The last thing is what I'm going to write about. It will be a bit different than my lovely wife. My interests are just a bit different, Mostly I figure that I would write about whatever I'm most interested at the moment, you know, games, books, movies, video games. Mostly just the kinds of things that I want to talk to people about, but can't seem to find anyone to really talk about with, you know? Like how you get really excited about something and you try to talk to them about it and their eyes start to glaze over and even though they are nodding keeping eye contact you know that they have no interest whatsoever. Kind of like explaining pokemon to your parents when you were a kid. You loved it, but they couldn't figure the logic in a squirrel turtle. Anyway, so that pretty much is it, just an outlet for those things I need to talk about to get out of my system. 

Best of luck reading and I hope you enjoy,

The Husband (Jonathan)

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