Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween(and a bit of Fall) Round Up

Can you believe it's passed Halloween?! Which means October is gone, which also means there are only 2 more months left before this WHOLE year is over!! How has all this time flown by?! 

October has been my favorite month. I don't really know why, maybe because it used to be school break(I went to school in Thailand. . .remember?) or that the weather would be getting colder, but no matter what the reason is, October has always been good to me! This October has been especially great since I got to really experience Fall - the weather, the color changing leaves, the pumpkin everything, the caramel apple, the hot chocolate. . .you name it! I've seriously been A M E R I C A N I Z E D!!

My Fall/Halloween Wreath

I baked pumpkin cupcakes first day of Fall

This year I got super-duper excited for HALLOWEEN that I even made our costumes! I made Meli's last year costume too, but it wasn't really anything. I just put the iron-on Bat Logo on a onesie then sewed her a cape from felt. 

Batgirl costume for Halloween 2013

Squirtle costume for Halloween

But this year I took it pretty seriously. I learned how to sew!! With a help of a dear friend, Amy, I made Melinda and Jonathan's costumes(Amy, I will always be eternally grateful for you! You're an angel!). J and I had pretty good idea on what we wanted to be for Halloween probably since Spring. I am one of those people who has no shame in dressing up for Halloween and I think I have convinced J. We were Pokemon Trainers and the Bean was a Pokemon. Yes, we were totally adorable! Well, Meli was anyway. She made a cute Squirtle. Jonathan was Ash Ketchum and I was Misty. I made Meli's costume totally from scratch. I saw a tutorial on the internet(go internet!) and decided that I would ask someone to teach me how to sew and make the costume. And then I made J's costume from 2 shirts that I bought from a thrift store and the rest is history. Mine was the easiest. Why you might ask?! Cause I didn't have to make it! haha Thrift store baby! 

Me showing of my work here. =)

J as Ash Ketchum with his Squirtle

My sister-in-law, Dawn, and I decided to throw a little Halloween party for the kids. It wasn't anything big. It was just an excuse for me to bake more cupcakes, make some silly games and so on and so forth. But we had fun. I sure hope the kids had at least half as much fun as I did. Due to my lame games some of them actually got mad at me for making them touch the brain made of Jello

My niece Sammy touching the skin made of tortilla 

My FAVORITE Halloween decoration this year

Carving pumpkin

I also learned that I'm not that bad at the whole carving pumpkin thing!

This is serious business

Our pumpkins! Mine are the one in the middle and right.

We went Trick-or-Treat'ing with the family. The kids had so much fun and got a TON of candy! Who came up with that anyway?! "It's getting colder so let's play dress up and go knock on your neighbors door who you never really talk to and ask for their candies and then let's eat them until we are all sugar high!" Brilliant! I love it!! I think that really makes it so much better than buying your own candies at the grocery stores.And the whole parent candies tax thing is awesome!! I'm actually eating my kid's Halloween candy as I'm typing this. . . parenting at its finest right?

My little Squirtle and Ash trick or treating.

Me as Misty hanging out with my Squirtle at Target

At church Trunk-or-Treat

Cutest little Squirtle

Kissing my Ash at the party

Anyway, we also got to go the pumpkin patch. I Think I was excited more than anyone else! The best part was that one of the pumpkin patches that we went has a PETTING ZOO! You can pet any animals that were there!!! Best $5 ever spent! Meli's petting zoo logic though, could use a little bit improvement. The BIGGER the animals were, the safer they are for you to pet. This goes without having to tell you that my silly Bean was afraid of little ducklings, baby chicks, bunnies, kittens, BUT she would love to ride on the miniature horse, donkey or a bull calf. 

The 'fake' pumpkin patch

Cool kid at the pumpkin patch

Typical family picture for us.

The Minions!!!

Bangkok girl VS BIG American Pumpkins

Cutest little pumpkin at the pumpkin patch

She loved petting the miniature horse

The scary duckling!

It's been such a wonderful month and season so far. I have baked everything pumpkin and apple and still have countless of recipes I want to try. The wild turkeys stopped coming to our backyard so I guess it's a sign that Thanksgiving is on its way. I'm loving our adventures so far and looking forward for more to come. 

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