Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Letter To My Daughter(s)

Dear Daughter(s) of Mine,

Let me just start by telling you how much I love you. I love you from the very first moment I knew you were mine. I love you since that two lines showed on the pregnancy tests. I love you before you were here.

Now let me tell you what is on my mind. If I see you dress like nothing but less than what you should have worn, I'll drag you back to your room and wait until you change and come out with something appropriate.

My point is, there is more to than being "Eye Candy". You, my love, are a loving daughter of our Heavenly Father. Please don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I understand what it's like wanting to be wanted, popular, hot, sexy, and etc. But the thing is, there is more to you than that! It really bothers me when people say. . .ready for this?

M O D E S T  I S  T H E  H O T T E S T

Modesty and hotness though. . .do you really think they go along? Um, I don't think so! How can you be 'hot' while dressing modesty, covering up all the so called 'hot' parts of your body? The answer is simple, it is NO! Because,

modest is NOT the hottest!!

(surprise! surprise!) It's just not. How do I know? I was once you. I wanted to wear something cute, and by something cute means something that gets ATTENTION from the guys or even girls. But lucky me, I guess, I'm very self-conscience with my body so I didn't actually have the nerve to wear those super-short shorts or even a tank top

Modesty is our value. We have been taught to love and honor our body. I'm not telling you that people that dress immodestly are bad people. But I do think that they are trying to get attention. But what kind of attention would they be getting though? Do you think love at first sight comes from personality? I'm not gonna sugar coat this for you, so NO! People wouldn't know how wonderful you are until they talk to you. So there goes the first thing they see, appearance. So it's what they can see which also means what you put on for them to see. What you wear is what you advertise yourself so choose wisely

This is perfect!

You can not be modest/dress modestly only on Sunday. Don't be a hypocrite! You're better than that! If you are out there looking for someone special, how special would he be if he is only attracted to you because of what you wear? 

You are worth more than those tiny little bikinis or low-cut shirts. There is more to you than your beautiful legs, cleavage, or even your pretty face. You're worthy of all the great things in this world. You will one day find your best friend and fall in love with him. He will love everything about you and even when there's no make up on your face or when you're puking your guts off because of morning sickness. He is worth the wait. He is worth being righteous, modest and patient for. After all I found mine. =)

I love you,
Your Mommy

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