Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Quick Catch Up

Just like the title says, this is a catch up post! So for those who didn't already know,

We've MOVED!!

We moved from our 2-bedroom apartment in Bangkok, Thailand to a log house in Vacaville, CA! Yes, we did move across the WORLD. Why?  Jonathan finished school!! He did! And I'm so very proud of him. He finished in 3 and a half years. Isn't he awesome? 

Jonathan showing off his degree!

O.K. enough bragging about the husband. We moved since Fall(November) last year. . .it's been almost a year! Melinda was 5 months old when we moved. It was definitely quite an experience flying with a baby. We learned that she can not fly longer than a 5-hour flight. We had 2 flights, first one was 5 hour so it was a piece of cake. Second flight was a 13-hour long. . .we (accidentally) shared a glimpse of parenthood to the people on the flight and might have even scared some of them. 

Waiting at the airport

We stopped in Korea for a layover and since then, Korean has been on our bucket list. We NEED to go back there! What a beautiful country! They have the most awesome airport!! Free wifi, free shower, free lockers so you don't have to carry your carry on around, ice skating rink, good airport food, free tours to go out and see the city, etc. We just love Korea! We went out to for some sight seeing on our own and of course we were lost. . .only for a bit though, A kind Korean man who spoke no English took us to the police man and we were helped after all. 

Gyeongbokgung Palace 

The only bad-ish experience about Korea was that we didn't check the weather before we left. So from 80s degrees Bangkok to 40s degrees Seoul we did NOT dress for it! Our poor baby had to suffer most I guess. Poor thing was so cold and decided to sleep though the whole outing trip - good for you baby!

Anyway, we made it to C A L I F O R N I A!! It's been really fun catching up with the family. Meli apparently became best bud with her cousins, especially Hanna. These two are best buds! I'm telling you Meli's first world was HA-NA not mommy. 

We are so happy to be here in California. There is nothing better than reunite with family and Round Table Pizza. The Bean and I have experienced out first real Fall, Winter and Spring, not to mention real American Thanksgiving, Christmas, Snow, 4th of JulyBounce House(for Meli), Cold Beach, and so many more.

First time in the swing

REAL Christmas tree!

The cousins on Christmas

Our Winter family photoshoot

My first snow experience

Our family back to where it all began

Meli's first time at the beach!

First time experiencing sand.

I should frame this right? I absolutely love this picture!

The Mackleys' Beach Retreat

Boogie boarding family style 

4th of July

This post is longer than I intended it to be (#sorrynotsorry). But basically a lot has happened this past year. Meli has grown so much. She is now a cute little T O D D L E R. This girl is one strong willed child. We love spending time at the parks. If Meli could choose, she would choose to spend all her time outside at the park in the swing! She has met so many milestones from crawling to walking, from first solid food to cupcakes

You know you can NEVER have enough headbands!

It's either swing or pool for this girl.

Swing mania

Birthday Girl!

Can you believe she is ONE!?

Matching tutu - mama's dream come true!

Isn't she so cute?! She is and she knows it!!

Our summer family photoshoot

On Jonathan news, he has been looking for a job. It's been a long, rough year but we are so very grateful for the situation. He has been able to spend time with us. It's so nice having him home. And we are also grateful for his parents for letting us stay with them while he's been looking for a job. It seems like L U C K is on our side now though. He has been having interviews with two companies and they seem to be getting serious. So we may or may not move in the next couple months! *keep your finger crossed for us. Prayers, positive thoughts needed here!*

At the moment, we are looking forward to Halloween. I learned how to S E W and made Meli and Jonathan's costumes (of course, I'll blog about it!). We are also looking forward for more Fall fun - pumpkin patch,jumping on pile of leaves, baking more pumpkin stuff, etc. 

I hope this post helped you catch up with what we have been up to and get all excited and ready for our next adventures!

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