Tuesday, July 3, 2012

You my friend?! You come back?! You go to church?!

Last Friday night we had an unusual date. We helped our friends babysitting their kids. First off I was pretty surprised they trusted us enough to leave their kids alone with us for couple hours. I mean we are two young adults, newlyweds and have NO kids! So I guess either they were desperate and couldn't find anyone or they just knew that their kids would survive with us. ;)

Ella is cute girly-girl and she is 7 years old. Cooper is energetic 3 years old boy and is also in my nursery at church. It was fun hanging out with the kids and here are random quotes from them.

" Can we watch Tangled?" Ella

" I don't like this movie(Tangled). It's a scary movie and I will have bad dream" Ella (yes, same Ella that asked to put on Tangled)

Tangled and that's what made Friday night PERFECT! =) 

"Hey you have boobs? You a mom?" Cooper

"You Mink Mom" Cooper (after I told him I have boobs but I'm not a mom. . .I'm a Mink)

"Cooper wants to stay up late until 2 AM. He told  me." Ella

"PU!!! P-U!!" Cooper (meaning poop. . .load of poop in his diaper)

"You wanna see my owie?" Cooper (said during being in time-out)

"This is my ghost face." Said Cooper 

"No, Cooper! This is my medicine." Ella (said while holding a cup full of APPLE JUICE)

" I don't know how to brush my teeth." Ella 

" You my friend?! You coming back?! You go to church?!" Cooper (50 times said when we sent him to sleep)

"Why do you like Cars? You are a girl!" Ella

"Can you do Silly Dance, Jonathan?" Ella (while watching Tangled. . .yep, that scary movie.)

So apparently Ella likes sitting on my lap and jumping on me. . . 

Well, you probably know by now that the kids survived and we had such fun! My first time changing diapers in the past 3 years was pretty impressive. It's pretty funny how poop didn't gross you out and stopped smelling so bad after while of trying to change a kid's diaper.Jonathan was such a great helper! He was so good with the kids. It was so touching(for some reason) seeing him helping Cooper brushing his teeth. Seeing him playing with the kids brought great joy to me. I can't wait to have our 'very own' children (nope, I'm NOT pregnant). He is going to be such a great father

P.S. Cooper asked me at church on Sunday if I'm still his friend and will I be going back to his house. . .guess the kids love us after all! =)


  1. haha, this post made me laugh :) Thanks for making my day! Kids are so funny.

  2. What a cute post! You and Jonathan will be GREAT parents!!!!! And you are a superb writer!
