Sunday, September 30, 2012

. . .me been disappear. . .

It's been over two months since last time I blogged and the truth is I've realized that all along. . . It's so SAD but I've been so busy with work and everything. I have things that I need/want to blog about such as 

  • Food I have made
  • Our time (Jonathan's especially) in the Nursery
  • T and Rebecca's engagement and wedding shower
  • Projects I've been working on
  • We got our wedding pictures (and I want to blog about our 'special' day)
  • Spiritual moments I've had

See! Told you there are so many things going on in our lives but I've been relocated at work. We just lunched this brand new branch and they kicked me out there. I work 10 - 13 hours a day, 6  days a week. I barely get anything else done except my work but lucky me J has been a really great helpful helper! He cooks his own food and even for me, he keeps the house clean and does all the laundry. I'm so grateful for my wonderful husband who is not just cute and so weird but also waits up for me at nights when I get home late from work and does all the housework without complaining a word! The best part of my days is definitely coming home to him. Anyways chao for now but I'll be blogging soon!! 

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