Sunday, October 7, 2012

Crazy Day Haircuts

J and I got our hairs cut on the same day this week!! It was the L O N G E S T haircut ever. I mean it took F O R E V E R!!! J's hair was way way long that if you run your finger through it it probably took you about 20 second to go through. . .(I'm not joking!) 
Mine was as thick and long as lion mane since I got my hair cut last time over a year ago. 

So now I have these HIDEOUS bangs and J has his dad's mission hair( and if he doesn't put stuff on it he might could have pompadour) 
We H A T E our new haircuts! And here is how we look. . .

J was wearing his 'happy jersey' cause he was hopping to get a 'happy haircut'

I know. . .I married that weirdo/hottie!

Anyway, gotta go now. . .we gotta PACK!!


We have to pack because we are leaving for. . .

H O N G K O N G 


And we can't wait! We are going to 

Hong Kong China Temple


Hong Kong Disneyland 

And other places as our little budget would offer. =)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thai Chili Paste Chicken with Rice Noodle

Well, Hello!!! Yeah, I know I've blogged twice already for today but here is what I made (just like I promised that I would blog about). And there sure be more coming!

This is one of the easiest Thai food that you could make. J loves it and this is how I get him to eat vegetable (oh no, J is NOT my son. He is a husband! ;D). If you are in Thailand it's way so easy to find all the ingredients and I believe it shouldn't be too hard for you out there wherever you are that's not Thailand.

Anyways, enjoy!!

. . .me been disappear. . .

It's been over two months since last time I blogged and the truth is I've realized that all along. . . It's so SAD but I've been so busy with work and everything. I have things that I need/want to blog about such as 

  • Food I have made
  • Our time (Jonathan's especially) in the Nursery
  • T and Rebecca's engagement and wedding shower
  • Projects I've been working on
  • We got our wedding pictures (and I want to blog about our 'special' day)
  • Spiritual moments I've had

See! Told you there are so many things going on in our lives but I've been relocated at work. We just lunched this brand new branch and they kicked me out there. I work 10 - 13 hours a day, 6  days a week. I barely get anything else done except my work but lucky me J has been a really great helpful helper! He cooks his own food and even for me, he keeps the house clean and does all the laundry. I'm so grateful for my wonderful husband who is not just cute and so weird but also waits up for me at nights when I get home late from work and does all the housework without complaining a word! The best part of my days is definitely coming home to him. Anyways chao for now but I'll be blogging soon!! 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Authentic Italian Meatballs And Tomato Sauce

Well, hi this is NOT a food blog but yes, it happens! I've been cooking a lot and kept posting/blogging about food! 
But this one deserves its own post!!!

I made this 'so amazingly incredibly awesome' homemade Italian meatballs and tomato sauce today! I found this recipe online (yes, that's what I do at work. . .surfing the wonderful World Wide Web. . .yeah pretty much when I get some free time which is most of the time when I'm at work! Go figure. . .). Anyway, it's an AUTHENTIC ITALIAN recipe that someone's father got from a little old lady in Italy while he was living there. She gave up this recipe after he kept bothering her for years. . .

* * I combined half  beef and pork and it turned out good 
because it wasn't so meaty and the texture was very soft and tender. * * 

* * I used Japanese breadcrumbs since that's the only kind we could fine here. * *

* * I used 1 teaspoon of garlic salt and parsley flakes. * *

* * I used 4 cloves of garlic because we LOVE garlic and did not use cloves. . .no such thing in Thailand * *

* * Crock-pot is a wonderful invention!! * *


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Chocolate Peanut Butter Frozen Pie

Did someone just say FROZEN PIE?! Well, hello! I DID!!!

Since we don't own an oven (which is sad and need to be fixed!) and I'm a baker so I'm torn everyday. . .

Anyway, after been struggling for 2 months with no oven so I have made some no-bake goods and here is one~!


**P.S. This is not my own recipe.**

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

3rd of July

As I assumed that I now have every right/excuse to celebrate the 4th of July/Independent Day/ America's Birthday since I married to an American(?) I mean come on! Who doesn't Ike hot dogs and barbecue?

Well, technically we celebrated the 4th of July on the 3rd of July. . .because we had some schedule issue(for those of you who have not experienced Thailand - NO! We don't get day off on 4th of July! Although I should have told my boss I have a right to. . .due to an American husband? Hmm. . .might try next year).  We had some friends over at our place - Rebecca and Tee.  It was fun. I decorated our place with some paper decorations I made while I was at work. . .yes, during work hours. . .it was quiet OK? And I had nothing else to do! Anyway, enjoy our pictures!

Keep Calm and Wave On baby!!

My Red, White and Blue colored rice. 

Hugging dolphins salt and pepper shaker we gave away at our wedding. 

Cherry Lemonade scented candle. . .totally American! ;)

Looovvvee the onion!

J made this! =)

Those shorty-fat hot dogs are cheesy hot dogs. . .mhmmm yum!

We made our 'OWN' barbecue sauce and it was TASTY!!

My Plate!!! =D

J cooking the BARBECUE. =)

Long Story Short - My chicken wasn't cooked enough so I had J cook it again and he made sure it had to be 'COOKED'!!

4th of July I made at work! 

Yes, I was proud! ;D

My masterpiece! ;)

More of my decoration. (mind the messy bookshelf!)

My Paper Wreath

BEAN BOOZLED!!! >> Nasty Nasty Game <<\

GO J!!! 

Not sure if he considered himself got lucky. . .

No! I will NEVER post the one when I was having it. . .it was GROSS!!!

Another lucky duck!

. . .just POOR REBECCA!!!. . .

The four of us! =)

And it has come to the END

US!!!!! HAPPY 4th of July everyone!! . . .hope you had a good one. . . =D

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

You my friend?! You come back?! You go to church?!

Last Friday night we had an unusual date. We helped our friends babysitting their kids. First off I was pretty surprised they trusted us enough to leave their kids alone with us for couple hours. I mean we are two young adults, newlyweds and have NO kids! So I guess either they were desperate and couldn't find anyone or they just knew that their kids would survive with us. ;)

Ella is cute girly-girl and she is 7 years old. Cooper is energetic 3 years old boy and is also in my nursery at church. It was fun hanging out with the kids and here are random quotes from them.

" Can we watch Tangled?" Ella

" I don't like this movie(Tangled). It's a scary movie and I will have bad dream" Ella (yes, same Ella that asked to put on Tangled)

Tangled and that's what made Friday night PERFECT! =) 

"Hey you have boobs? You a mom?" Cooper

"You Mink Mom" Cooper (after I told him I have boobs but I'm not a mom. . .I'm a Mink)

"Cooper wants to stay up late until 2 AM. He told  me." Ella

"PU!!! P-U!!" Cooper (meaning poop. . .load of poop in his diaper)

"You wanna see my owie?" Cooper (said during being in time-out)

"This is my ghost face." Said Cooper 

"No, Cooper! This is my medicine." Ella (said while holding a cup full of APPLE JUICE)

" I don't know how to brush my teeth." Ella 

" You my friend?! You coming back?! You go to church?!" Cooper (50 times said when we sent him to sleep)

"Why do you like Cars? You are a girl!" Ella

"Can you do Silly Dance, Jonathan?" Ella (while watching Tangled. . .yep, that scary movie.)

So apparently Ella likes sitting on my lap and jumping on me. . . 

Well, you probably know by now that the kids survived and we had such fun! My first time changing diapers in the past 3 years was pretty impressive. It's pretty funny how poop didn't gross you out and stopped smelling so bad after while of trying to change a kid's diaper.Jonathan was such a great helper! He was so good with the kids. It was so touching(for some reason) seeing him helping Cooper brushing his teeth. Seeing him playing with the kids brought great joy to me. I can't wait to have our 'very own' children (nope, I'm NOT pregnant). He is going to be such a great father

P.S. Cooper asked me at church on Sunday if I'm still his friend and will I be going back to his house. . .guess the kids love us after all! =)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Our Story

So I've wanted to start posting stuff on our blog but just did not know what I should post. Like I'm not pregnant, we aren't really doing anything special. . .so I come up with this - hey why don't I just let people know a little bit more about 'US'?!

So here we go -  It's probably gonna be long so feel free to skip. . .I don't mind.

J and I met at church (yep, it's pretty typical) in 2010. It was a special fireside with Sister Elaine Dalton who was and still is the General Young Women President. The fireside was awesome and made one of the biggest impacts in my life. Well, I'll blog about that later on? Anyway, so yeah we were both there. After the fireside I ran to his mom, Suzanne who is one of my favorite people in the world and then there was a fine young man standing next to her.

Sister Dalton at the fireside in August 2010

Let me tell you a little bit about Suzanne. She is a people person. Everyone loves her and getting your picture taken with her and making it your Facebook profile picture tends to be something you must do when you see her. So by that I mean I had to wait for her to be done with other people so I can make my way to her. 

These are other people's Facebook profile pictures. . .I know right?!
Back to the story,  right when I got to Suzanne, after a few greeting this young man next to her said such a terrible thing - "Mom, can we go home now?" and so they left. You probably know by now if that ours is the love at first sight kind - NOT! 

Life went on and almost a year after we first met, I moved out from my mother's and got a job in downtown Bangkok. I lived with my cousin, Dream, at her apartment which was not far from The Mackley's. I was SO excited to work my first job (no, it didn't turn out well) and knowing that I will be hanging out with Suzanne more often. 

The second day of my life downtown was pretty exciting. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. =) I had a job interview in the afternoon so Suzanne and I went for a walk in the morning and we headed out for lunch after that. Suzanne mentioned Jonathan would come along for lunch since he was on school break. I was fine and so we met again.

It definitely was different this time. He somewhat had such charm and hmm. . .kinda cute. So we had lunch and talked and talked even more. After lunch Suzanne had to run so she left. I happened to get turned down for the interview that day so I was free with no key to my apartment. . .

Couple minutes later I found myself chatting with Jonathan about books and stuff in a bookstore and gee! he was even getting cuter! And while we were looking at books this thing came up

J : So you like watching movies?
Me : Yeah.
J : Wanna go see movie with me sometime next week? 
Me : Sure. . .

Oh crap! Did he just ask me out? More over did I just say sure? Well, yeah I did and I'm now glad I did. =)

The bookstore we went to.

After the bookstore I found myself was on an 'unofficial first date' with him. For real! We went to a cake place and oh goodness! It was great! And I went to his place after that for a movie. No worries his mother was home by then. 

So we watched a movie (I fell asleep). And I stayed over there till dinner. And I officially met his dad. He was having a fantastic day! ;)

Basically, I was with Jonathan until 9pm. And when I got home I remembered telling my cousin "I think Jonathan Mackley just asked me out on a date!" and she simply replied "I thought you had a job interview."

Here came the next Monday. We went on a movie date that we weren't sure at first if it was a date until later. 

Somewhat I just wanted to spend more time with him. We kinda hung out almost everyday after that. So after a week of hanging out together I went to his ward on Sunday and spent time at his place after church. On my way home he walked me to the train station, in the elevator, he just suddenly KISSED me. And that was our first kiss. . .man, that was fast! Apparently I'm his first kiss (that explains why it was fast, doesn't it? ;)).

And he asked me to be his girlfriend afterward.

1st Month Anniversary. . .HE survived!

After about 9 months of dating it was about time that he knew that I'm the love of his life and life would be too boring without me so he POPPED THE QUESTION!
Yeah, that's our 'cause he likes it, then he puts a ring on it' picture!
It was at the bookstore where he first asked me out and of course I said yes. - No, I didn't say sure this time.

Our friends were there. . .nope, I had no idea.

How would you know that taking pictures in a bookstore is forbidden?! 

Security : "No picture! No Picture!" 
About 2 months later we went to his home in California. Suzanne and Craig (I don't actually call them that, Suzanne is Sister Mackley and Craig is Supercool to  me) actually moved back home. I took out my endowments in the Oakland Temple and was getting ready to marry my best friend.

Some of our engagement pictures 
Some more with us in Thai traditional dress

Melissa and Matt were there at the temple when I took out my endowments! 
May 8, 2012 our ETERNITY began! We were sealed for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple. It was the best day of our lives and we have never been happier!

Our temple announcement. . .(yes, I made it!)

"Mr. & Mrs. Mackley" Married hi-5 in front of the temple. =)

The Mackleys! 

Us and the kids! Well, yes, we do have the CUTEST nieces and nephews!

'Wai' pose AKA traditional wedding picture of TBM sisters

In front of Joseph Smith Memorial Building - the only picture of us we have from our photographer for now!

The newest Mrs. Mackley! ;)
Next morning we left for our honeymoon at the happiest place on earth. Yes, Disneyland! Yes, one of the reasons why I married him! Disneyland was amazing as I thought it would be but even more special when you got those Mickey + Minnie newlywed top hats and you could not get away anywhere in the park without people saying 'congratulations' !!

PDA is allowed once you're on honeymoon!

Waiting for the parade. . .nothing to do. . .hmm let's take a kissy picture!

J's face is so priceless!!
 We have been married for a month-ish. To me I don't have those 'my prince finally came crap'. It's  probably because the way I look at things. I have no fantasy world period! I never imagine myself being a princess and I hated playing with Barbies when I was young. So to me Jonathan is just a cool dude who steps in my life and loves me for who I am. The best things about married in my opinion is to know that there is no more good bye. And no matter how hard/bad your days seem to get you can always come home to each other and it's always the best part of the day. I love knowing that someone is willing to be stuck with me FOREVER, knowing he will always be there along this journey warms my heart. I look forward to eternity with him and he better be too! ;)

And so ETERNITY has began. . . <3

If you're still reading. . .dude, you either are our big fan or a big creepy stalker!
thanks anyway!